Artist HE Yu
何雨 艺术作品
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- 纸本作品Painting on Paper
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Performance Works
Documentation of Performances
作品“12:61 十二点六十一分“
八位志愿者和艺术家一起一起定格、刺穿、祭祀、杂糅时间的某个物质化切片,当超验力量登场之时,对时间的幻觉就会更像一个因有限知识而生起的一个梦,你会把这个梦当做食物, 还是会把它当做超验之祭品,还是神光在意识之中闪电般埋下某个神秘种子, 甚或是知见越过存在之海获得无二的瞥见,,都有可能。 一起定格、刺穿、祭祀、杂糅时间的某个物质化切片,当超验力量登场之时,对时间的幻觉就会更像一个因有限知识而生起的一个梦,你会把这个梦当做食物, 还是会把它当做超验之祭品,还是神光在意识之中闪电般埋下某个神秘种子, 甚或是知见越过存在之海获得无二的瞥见,,都有可能。 一起定格、刺穿、祭祀、杂糅时间的某个物质化切片,当超验力量登场之时,对时间的幻觉就会更像一个因有限知识而生起的一个梦,你会把这个梦当做食物, 还是会把它当做超验之祭品,还是神光在意识之中闪电般埋下某个神秘种子, 甚或是知见越过存在之海获得无二的瞥见,,都有可能。
Work Title " 12:61"
With the participation of 8 volunteers from public, the artist has created a time ritual, in which the symbols of time nailed, drilled and shred in a way the illusion of time kind of subsided to a meditative transcendental dream.
作品“砰砰砰“ 2018
文字描述: 艺术家隐藏于粉色气球墙之后, 鼓励观者参与游戏,用地上准备好的石子击打气球,引起气球一个个引爆, 直到行为者在破损的气球帷幕之后现身。 行为者继续戳破气球, 直到气球帷幕完全消失, 行为者走入观众群中, 抱着气球与观众胸口抵住胸口互相施加压力直到气球在两人之间引爆。
Description: The viewers were invited to take a pebble and hit the balloon wall, until the performer hidden inside was revealed. The viewers could either decide to keep hitting the balloon or stop, while the performer herself joined the act of bang bang bang. In the end , the last two balloons were squashed to explosion by the performer and viewers pushing each other breast to breast with the balloon in between. Are we in a wind-whirl world of losing the principles for games? How frequently we have been drawn into a game so unconsciously that we were ignorant of how it began and how it would end? When we keep shooting the bullets continuously into the unknown target, would the sharpest pains coming from our most inner vulnerable selves as much as coming from outside?
影像记录了行为者站在一棵大树下,一个一米见方大小的红色的冰被红布包裹并高高地悬挂于行为者头顶之上。行为者身穿白色长袖连衣裙,等化成水的红冰一点点滴落在身上, 长久的站立,直到冰滴化成的水把白衣的前襟染成粉红色。
The performer stands under a big tree where a big red ice was wrapped in a piece of red cloth and hung overhead. The performer stood still under the melting red ice in a white dress, bearing the dropping of cold ice water running through her face and body until the front of her white dress was slowly died into pink.
时长duration:14:39/ 尺寸dimension:1920X1080 /创作年代Year 2016
作品链接 video link:
About the work: HE YU has collected a list of serious social event news from August 2015 till end of August 2016. She read them out one by one loudly, however her voice get interfered and eventually drowned down by the reporting voice on the entertainment gossips that get louder and louder from outside. Once she found her reading got downed down, she would pause and burned the news that she had just done reading. Reading out, voice getting interfered and drowned down, burning the news after reading, the cycle repeated itself until she has read all the big news and done the burning after reading. In the end, all the ashes flied away.
艺术家收集了2015年8月到2016年8月之间的重大事件性新闻,并逐条大声朗读它们。 朗读的声音逐渐被旁边越来愈高的娱乐八卦头条信息所干扰并掩盖。 当何雨的新闻朗读声音无法对抗娱乐八卦的时候她就放弃朗读并把新闻一把烧掉。 朗读,声音被干扰被淹没,停止朗读并焚烧读过的报道, 周而复始,直到一年之间的大事件全部读完并变成一堆灰飞烟灭、到处飘散的灰烬。
时长 DURATION:12:52 /DIMENSION:1920X1080/创作年代Year 2016
第N次穿越一道门 "Arriving and going through a door for Nth times"
The distance from one door to another could be a condensed history; a door being opened and then closed could be part of now-to-future, containing a rich psychological landscape of fantasy and yearning. Going through a door for Nth times has become a limitless contemplation over the journey of life, reflecting the landscape of the era for generations like us.
门,可以是一个精神隐喻; 门与门之间的距离, 可以是一段浓缩历史; 一道门打开及关上, 可以是现在-未来的一部分,既包含着婉转示人的幻想与渴望也预示着巨大可能性的心理风景。艺术家无数次穿越一道门暗喻着一种复杂而隐秘的心理风景, 也象征着一代人又一代人所经历的时代体验。
时长Duration: 1.57 min/尺寸Resolutions:1920X1080 /创作年代 Year:2015
"The Gift" 礼物
Artist flew away some balloons to the sky as a gift to someone out there the artist did not know or meet before at all. When the balloons flew away and fell into the hands of someone, a certificate of redeeming the gift from artist will get into the hand of this unknown new friend. She or he could redeem a painting from the artist as the gift falling from the sky.
艺术家放飞了几个气球到天空。 气球上带着艺术家写的一张礼物兑换卡。 最后气球飘落之处,捡到气球的陌生朋友讲可以持气球上的礼物卡向艺术家索要一份画作作为礼物。
时长Duration: 3.24 min/尺寸Resolutions:1920X1080 /创作年代 Year:2016
"The BloodTies" 血脉 - Performance work at Duolun Museum 行为剧场记录
This piece of work explores ideas of disembodiment of the blood ties between children and their parents, the wounds and reconciliation that comes through it, the transformation of oneself that comes to peace with one’s blood ties and its relevant pains and transformation. The body movements and evocative visual images would be used to present visceral experience as familiar, undeniable, confronting and bounding. It depicts my mother, my father, and I, bound skin to skin, flesh-to-flesh, pains to pains, and suggests the healing – a necessary retour that enables a transmission of life force between generations.
创作者从自身非常重要的一段私人历史或是生命进行时出发,试图展现她对于血缘的思索, 从自己曾经拥有的、艰难的原生家庭关系出发,审视血缘之强大包裹力,并展现个体生命从神秘的源头中迂回曲折而来的对原生家庭之痛的和解和自我愈合,勾勒那个对于神秘的、强大的、非凡的生命能量代代相传的视觉图景和哲学深思。
时长Duration: 25.15 min/尺寸Resolutions:1920X1080 /创作年代 Year:2015
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